High resolution royalty free photo libraries and digital images for use in Microsoft Office, Presentations, Web Sites, Media Campaigns, Print, DVD and Multimedia Productions.


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PhotoGhetto provides high resolution royalty free photo libraries and digital images that can be used in:
  • Presentations, to illustrate any slide, topic, subject, or individual point.
  • Web Sites and home pages, in flash movies, backgrounds, and stand alone illustrations.
  • Media Campaigns, as powerful enticing images that can be used across all media and marketing platforms.
  • Print and hard copy media's, in corporate brochures, annual reports, and promotion material.
  • Multimedia, DVD, and Video Productions, as stills, intro images, fades, and masks.
In fact every image on every PhotoGhetto Collection enables you to enhance your media productions with true professional photographic images so that you will never again have to rely on clip art or less functional photos and images to illustrate your media.

Unlike other online stock photo and image libraries, does not restrict your use of images through rights management, or penalize your use of images across different media with price-per-image services.

When you purchase any Photo Collection from, you purchase a royalty free license to use any image in the Collection as often as you wish, and in any media that you desire.

To take a closer look at our image libraries, select Photo Collections from the menu above, and discover the freedom to use images as you desire. Why accept anything less?

PhotoGhetto believe that professional quality images should be affordable and available to everyone for use in every type of document, publication, presentation, or web page.

Whether producing a Microsoft Word document, Publisher publication, PowerPoint presentation, or Front Page web site, everyone should have access to professional affordable images for all their media productions.

That's why PhotoGhetto's value priced Photo Collections provide the most cost-effective and value saving way for you to purchase and have access to professional royalty free images.

A small selection of images from our wide range of Photo Collections can be seen below. To discover more and view our Photo Collections, please select an image.
Drop & Droplets
Drop & Droplets
Photo Collection
Martial Arts
Martial Arts
Photo Collection
Sports II
Photo Collection
Sports II

How can I adjust the contrast of a photo in Microsoft Word?
To adjust the contrast of a photo, image, or graphic in your Microsoft Word document
  1. Click and select the photo in your document.
  2. Right mouse click the image and select Format Picture from the image options menu.
  3. The Format Picture dialog box opens.
  4. In the Format Picture dialog box select and drag the Contrasts slider under the Image control options.
  5. Drag the slider to the left to reduce the contrast of your image, or right to increase the contrast of your image, and then click OK.

For more image tips, tricks, help, and advice, please view our Photo Tips.

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